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Kelly Family Dentistry PLLC

Phone Icon (270) 586-4631

Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

General Dentistry

General Dentistry to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

Keep your teeth and gums in prime condition with dental care from Kelly Family Dentistry PLLC in Franklin, Kentucky. From routine cleanings to bridges and crowns, we offer a variety of general dentistry services to our patients. Schedule an appointment today to help maintain your beautiful smile.

Routine Cleaning

It's important to have your teeth cleaned every six months in order to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. We offer regular cleanings for patients to help keep their dental health in check.

When you come in for an appointment, we will take X-rays and create a comprehensive dental plan based on what we see on the X-rays. An oral cancer screening will also be performed. At the end of your appointment, we will schedule your next visit and send you home with a few essential dental supplies to ensure you keep your teeth and gums clean in between visits.



When a cavity has caused damage to your tooth, it's time to have it filled. We offer both tooth-colored and composite fillings. We will drill and fill in the cavity with a synthetic material, replacing the damaged tooth structure and restoring your smile.


If you have a tooth that cannot be saved or you can't afford a root canal or a crown, then we can extract the tooth for you. There are two types of extractions: simple and surgical. Simple extractions involve pulling the tooth. Surgical extractions are for broken teeth located at the gum line and involve extracting the tooth from the socket below using a hand piece. Both extractions use local anesthetic to ensure the patient never feels any pain.


Crowns offer a great way to improve the appearance of a tooth, as well as to help maintain its structure. We will prep your tooth and drill around it if necessary before placing the crown on it. Then we will take an impression and fit you with a temporary crown. The impression will be sent to the lab and your new crown will be ready within two weeks. When you return for a follow-up appointment, we will place the permanent crown on your tooth so you can have a perfect-looking smile.


Similar to crowns, bridges replace teeth that have been extracted. They give you natural-looking teeth, making it easier to eat and giving you more confidence when you smile. During your appointment, we will numb the area between your teeth, take an impression, and then send it to the lab. When you return, we will insert the bridge and permanently cement it to the surrounding tooth structures.

Root Canals

If you have pain from a decaying, broken, or cracked tooth, then a root canal is necessary. The procedure will salvage the tooth so you can avoid having it removed. During the procedure, we will remove the nerve and fill the cavity with a synthetic material. For the crown, we will take an impression of your mouth and send it to the lab. During the follow-up appointment two weeks later, we will place the crown on top of the tooth and you'll have a tooth that is as good as new.



Enjoy smiling and eating again with the right pair of dentures. We can create full or partial dentures for you that will give you a beautiful smile and allow you to eat your favorite foods.

We will take impressions of both the upper and lower arches of your mouth, send them to the lab, and have the dentures made within two to three weeks. Any adjustments made within a six-month period will be included in the final cost.

Emergency Appointments

If an emergency arises, we can see you for a same-day appointment. X-rays will be taken and a thorough examination will be performed. We will schedule an additional appointment if necessary, but most emergencies can be taken care of the same day.